HVYSL T3 Soccer Developmental Program

Hudson Valley Youth Soccer League (HVYSL) is very excited to present its new Soccer Developmental Program: HVYSL T3 Training.

  • T1 Technical: Ball Skills
  • T2 Tactical: Game Related Play
  • T3 Thought: Being Able to “Act” instead of “React” during game play

T1: Technical component is the focus is on ball control, passing and receiving and ball striking. Progression will be to apply these skills in small-sided game related settings.

T2: Tactical component is to apply technical skill during game related sessions. When is a good time to use these skills during a match? This is where understanding of game tactics is the focus.

T3: Thought component is how quickly can players “read the game”? Before the ball arrives at their feet, do they already know what they are going to do with it? Great players “see" the game. Using cognitive coaching components during training will help with this vital part of the game.

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