Application to Host a Tournament or Games Procedures
When applying to host a tournament or games, the following procedures should be followed:
I. The Application to Host a Tournament or Games must be completed by the tournament director or a club representative and submitted to your League for approval
Note: You must submit your application to host a minimum of 60 days prior to the date of the tournament/games to the HVYSL League Office.
II. After your League approves the Application to Host a Tournament or Games, ENYYSA receives the application from your League office and reviews it.
III. The following criteria must be met to obtain an approved Application to Host a Tournament or Games:
• a copy of the tournament rules is attached.
• the application is received by the state office at least 30 days prior to start of tournament/games.
Note: Any application received by the State Office within 30 days of the start of the tournament must be accompanied with a check for $250.00, payable to Eastern New York Youth Soccer Association (ENYYSA).
• the club website has the ENYYSA and US Youth Soccer trademark logos displayed with a link to and
Note: Please be aware of the US Soccer Federation bylaw 603.INTERPLAV, Section 3.
• if the tournament or games are held at an indoor or for-profit facility, applications for these tournaments should be accompanied by a Certificate of Insurance naming ENYY additional insured.
• the listed tournament director and designate official of hosting organization must be Risk Management cleared and have completed the Abuse Training.
• if the tournament is listed as unrestricted, it must list the US Soccer members in which the tournament is open to.
• if the tournament is listed as an International Tournament, it must list international teams that are invited and the application to host must be accompanied by US Soccer Application to Host Foreign Teams.
• the application is stamped by the league.
(Place corresponding letter in appropriate space on application.)
UT UNRESTRICTED TOURNAMENT: A tournament that is open to all Federation affiliated participants. Any tournament that allows international participants must be an Unrestricted Tournament.
RT RESTRICTED TOURNAMENT: A tournament that is open only to members of US Youth Soccer and its State Associations.
SELECT TEAMS (teams formed by a selection or tryout process):
SI generally a team which competes at the highest level of play in a state or region.
S2 generally a team which competes at other than the highest level of play in a state or region.
S3 generally a team which competes in a local area or state.
S4 team which is put together for the sole purpose of playing in a tournament or other sanctioned non-league competition, whose roster includes select players who are members of one club.
RT a team which was formed in a random nature without regard to players' abilities.
ODP TEAM: the official US Youth Soccer Olympic Development team of US Youth Soccer, any of its regions, a State Association, an Affiliate, other Organization Member, or any district or geographical subdivisions thereof.
NATIONAL TEAM: the official national team of US Soccer or any other member of FIFA.
These procedures apply when hosting ONLY US Youth Soccer State Association or US Youth Soccer Affiliates teams for tournaments or games.
Applications, agreements to host and other required information must be submitted as provided by the designated approving association or affiliate to include:
Not later than the date established by the State Association or Affiliate for submitting an Application to Host a Tournament or Games. the hosting organization must submit to its State Association or Affiliate and, if any game is to be played in another State Association or Affiliate, to that other State Association or Affiliate, for approval a completed Application to Host a Tournament or Games signed by the designated official of the hosting organization and the following items:
a) a completed US Youth Soccer Tournament or Games Hosting Agreement. with appropriate supporting documents and information, signed by the president or chief officer or designee of the hosting organization and by the tournament or games director;
b) a copy of the approved Rules for the Tournament or Games; and
c) any fees required by the State Association or Affiliate for processing the application. Incomplete applications will be returned and considered as not having ever been submitted.
The State Association or Affiliate is not required to approve any application not submitted by the deadline established by the State Association or Affiliate. Any application which is not submitted in a timely manner may be subject to late fees if approved. The team must contact its State Association for its specific policies and fees.
The State Association or US Youth Soccer Affiliate shall make a determination as to whether or not they will sanction the tournament or games in accordance with the policies they have established within their organization for the sanctioning of tournaments or games.
The provisions below are in addition to those required as stated in Section 4 above for hosting a tournament. All provisions stated in Section 4 above must also be complied with. For all Tournaments and games involving international teams the Rules for the Tournament or Games:
a) Must provide for a point system of 3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, and no points for a loss.
b) In any age group older than 16 years of age, the Rules MUST specify FIFA limited substitution rules;
The completed US Soccer forms Application to Host a Tournament or Games Involving Foreign Teams and Certification Regarding Compliance with the Ted Stevens and Olympic Amateur Sports Act, must be submitted and approved by the hosting State Association or US Youth Soccer Affiliate and any additional fees required by the State Association, Affiliate and/or the United States Soccer Federation for processing the application.
For all teams that are not members of US Youth Soccer or a US Youth Soccer Affiliate, Proof of medical and liability insurance must be provided by their organization of registration
Documentation Checklist
• Application completed and signed (ENYYSA-affiliated member league approved signature)
• Tournament or Games Hosting Agreement completed and signed
• Tournament or Games rules attached
It is recommended that you submit your application to your league at least 60 days prior to the game or first match of the tournament.
Any application received by the State Office within 30 days of the start of the tournament must be accompanied with a check for $250.00, payable to the Eastern New York Youth Soccer Association (ENYYSA)
Tournament Promotion
At ENYYSA's Annual General Meeting, the Leagues requested ENYYSA to provide this value-added service to members for FREE.
What we offer:
• Display your banner ad for as much as 120 days in advance of your event!
• Send 4 email blasts about your event to EVERY applicable
TRAVEL team coach in the state.
• Reduce your advertising expenses significantly.
• Make simple to use our service! Simply prepare the attached "Tournament Promotion" application and submit through our State Office any weekday between 8AM and 4PM.
• Guarantee that our mail distribution list is 100% accurate and contains only active coaches that meet your target market with no waste and no unnecessary costs.
For more information contact the Eastern New York Youth Soccer Association office at: [email protected]