Constitution & By-Laws

HVYSL Constitution

The name of the League is the Hudson Valley Youth Soccer League, Inc. Herein, it shall be referred to as the HVYSL or the "League". 

The purpose of the League is to promote and foster youth soccer, particularly in, but not restricted to, the League's territory. Specifically, the League wishes to:

  • Provide quality competition for players willing and able to compete at the highest level.
  • Offer and encourage quality competition scaled to the more recreational, oriented players.
  • Promote clean play and good sportsmanship with gentlemanly conduct on the part of players, coaches and spectators, at all levels of competition.
  • Offer and encourage soccer educational programs for players and coaches.
  • Provide access to affordable and quality insurance. 

The League is a member of one or more youth organizations affiliated with the United States Soccer Federation.

A. Geographic Territory: The Connecticut - New York border to the east. No natural boundaries exist to the south, west or north. The HVYSL may admit clubs from outside the territory of the League provided they are not currently under suspension or have charges filed against them by any organization affiliated with the Eastern New York Youth Soccer Association, Inc. or the United States Youth Soccer Association, Inc.

B. Club Membership: There are four types of membership available: Full, Travel Only, Guest, and Temporary. New clubs may not be considered for "Full Member" or "Travel Only" status unless they register a minimum of four travel teams and /or any combination of In House and Travel players totaling 50 or more individuals.

  • Full:  A club which registers all its players with HVYSL, from both their travel and recreational programs, shall be considered a Full Member. Clubs which do not maintain a recreational program shall be considered Full Members if all travel players are registered with HVYSL. Clubs with full membership status have all the rights, privileges, responsibilities, etc. as specified in this Constitution and By-Laws. Full Membership must be approved by the League Delegates.
  • Travel Only:  A club which maintains both travel and recreation programs and chooses to register their travel players with HVYSL shall be considered a Travel Only Member. Clubs with Travel Only Membership status have all the rights, privileges, responsibilities, etc. as Full Member Clubs unless otherwise specified. Travel only membership must be approved by the League delegates.
  • Guest:  Clubs whose primary affiliation is with another league may, for reasons of competition, convenience, etc. choose to register one or more of their travel teams with HVYSL. Clubs with this membership have a restriction on their ability to enter additional teams. For these clubs, additional teams can be entered only with the approval of the delegates. Other than this restriction, Guest Member clubs have all the rights, privileges, responsibilities, etc. as Full member clubs unless otherwise specified. Guest membership must be approved by the League delegates.
  • Temporary:  A club may be admitted as a Temporary Member. While a Temporary Member, a club will be allowed to enter teams with the approval of the League delegates. Such membership will terminate at the end of the spring season involved, but may be renewed annually through reapplication by approval of the Board of Directors. While a temporary member, a club may follow the procedures to gain membership with "Full", "Travel Only" or "Guest” status. Other than these restrictions, Temporary Member Clubs have all the rights, privileges, responsibilities, etc. as Full Member Clubs unless otherwise specified. Guest and Temporary Member Clubs shall have no voting rights.

C. Rights & Responsibilities of Member Clubs: Each club shall be responsible for ensuring the proper registration of its players and teams, proper accounting of fiscal transactions and accurate reporting of all information required by the League.

Member Clubs have the duty to ensure their representation at Delegate and General meetings. Failure to do so will subject the Club to fines, suspensions, bad standing, or any combination.

The HVYSL may admit clubs from outside the territory of the League provided they are not currently under suspension or have charges filed against them by any organization affiliated with the Eastern New York Youth Soccer Association, Inc. or the United States Youth Soccer Association, Inc.

A. Management Boards: The management of the HVYSL is carried out by the Board of Directors and the Delegate Board.

a. Board of Directors: The Board of Directors consists of the Officers, elected annually (except for the Immediate Past President) at the June General Meeting, and the Coordinators, who serve two-year terms with half of the required number elected each year at the June General Meeting. No individual club shall control, at any time, more than twenty five (25%) percent of the voting strength of the Board of Directors.

b. Delegate Board: The Delegate Board consists of the Officers, Coordinators, and one accredited representative from each Member Club. 

c. Executive Board: An Executive Board, consisting of three senior members of the Board of Directors, shall function as a governing board in the absence of an elected Board of Directors. The Executive Board will ensure the continuation of the League, shall have all the powers of the Board of Directors, and shall function until officers are duly elected.

The HVYSL may admit clubs from outside the territory of the League provided they are not currently under suspension or have charges filed against them by any organization affiliated with the Eastern New York Youth Soccer Association, Inc. or the United States Youth Soccer Association, Inc.

B. Officers: The following officer positions shall exist within the HVYSL:

a. Elected- President, 1st Vice-President (Games Chairman), 2nd Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, Director of Programs, Arbitrator and seven ( 7 ) Age Group Coordinators.

b. Non-elected - Immediate Past President for a period of not more than one calendar year after leaving the presidency of the league

C. Coordinators: Coordinators shall coordinate and manage all the League games, under the 1st Vice-President. They each shall be assigned specific age groups for which they are individually responsible.

D. Appointed Positions: The President can appoint individuals to positions such as assistant registrar. These appointments require Board approval.

E. Committees:

a. Standing Committees - Rules, Registration, Publicity, Arbitration, Screening, Tournament, Coordination, Supervisory, Registrar’s, and Programs

b. Special Committees: Special Committees are appointed by the President, and approved by the Board of Directors.

c. Auditing Committee shall be annually appointed by the Delegates of the League to inspect the books of the Treasurer and to certify his/her financial reports.

d. Appeals Committee shall handle all appeals to the League.

e. Nominating Committee will be announced at the March delegates meeting each year. Nominations will be accepted (in writing, or electronically) by any member of the Committee or the league office by 2:00 PM on the day three weeks prior to the Summer General Meeting in June. Within a week, the Chairman will publish a slate of candidates, nominated by position and name, and advise the League office, for timely transmission to the Clubs, no later than two weeks before the Summer General Meeting in June. All Nominees being nominated must be present at the June meeting or inform the Committee in writing, of their intention to run for office and their inability to attend the meeting.

All meetings shall be conducted using Robert's Rules of Order. The President shall not participate in the voting at any meeting unless there is a tie or a written ballot.

A. Regular Meetings: There shall be two regular general meetings held by the League: the Summer General Meeting in June and the Winter General Meeting in late November or early December. The dates for these meetings will be determined by the Board of Directors.

Voting rights are as follows:

a. Each Officer and Coordinator shall have one vote.

b. Each accredited Full or Travel Only Member Club representative shall have one vote.

c. Each travel team coach shall have one vote.

d. Each Full Member Club shall have additional votes based on the number of recreational players registered as follows:

i. 0 - 49 players - 0 votes

ii. 50 - 149 players - 1 vote

iii. 150 - 249 players - 2 votes

iv. 250 - 349 players - 3 votes, etc.

e. Guest and Temporary Member Clubs shall have no voting rights.

The Full Member or Travel Only representative may cast all votes for his/her club from all sources not otherwise individually cast, i.e. club vote, travel team votes and recreational votes. These votes may be cast as a block or divided as he/she sees fit. Said representative must be present at the meeting to cast the votes. There will be no proxy voting.

A travel team coach in attendance may cast his/her designated vote.  In the event that an individual is both a HVYSL Board member and a Club representative, he/she may cast votes in both capacities. 

B. Special General Meetings: Special general meetings may be called by the President of the League, or upon request of a majority of the Board of Directors, or by petition of 20 percent of the member clubs. The President, when so directed, shall schedule said meeting within 21 days following receipt of such petitions. Voting rights are the same as for the Regular General Meeting.

Individuals eligible to vote, assignment of voting rights to a surrogate, and restrictions on voting are the same as for the Regular General Meetings.

C. Board of Directors Meetings: All Board of Directors Meetings will be held on the first Thursday of the month with a minimum of six (6) per year. All Board of Directors meetings shall be open to all members. Each Officer and Coordinator shall have one vote.

D. Delegate Meetings: Delegate meetings will be held just before the beginning of the Fall and Spring seasons, at times and dates determined by the Board. Delegate meetings shall be open to all members. Each Officer, Coordinator, and accredited Member Club representative shall have only one vote.

E. Quorums General or Delegate Meetings: A quorum shall consist of at least one voting representative from 50% of the clubs currently holding Full or Travel Only Membership and in good standing.

F. Board of Directors Meetings: A quorum shall consist of at least 50% of the filled board positions. 

Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws may be accepted only at a Summer or Winter General Meeting. Each eligible voter shall be given at least 14 days notice of the proposed amendments. To pass, an amendment must receive two-thirds of the number of eligible voters in attendance.

Require proposed budget to be sent to Club Presidents at least one week prior to meeting where budget will be presented for ratification.


A. Election

The officers for the Board of Directors shall be elected at the Summer General Meeting in June. Those officers shall be President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Director of Programs, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, Arbitrator and seven Coordinators. The immediate Past President shall be a member of the Board with all voting rights. Those elected will assume office upon adjournment of the meeting.

All Officers shall be elected in the Summer General Meeting and shall serve two-year terms. The President, Second Vice President, Registrar, Treasurer and three Coordinators shall be elected in even years and the First Vice President, Secretary, Arbitrator, Director of Programs, and remaining four Coordinators elected in odd years.

B. Eligibility for League Office

No individual club shall control, at any time, more than 25 percent of the voting strength of the Board of Directors.

A candidate or Board member’s affiliation shall be determined by the Nominating Committee according to the following sequential criteria:

  • The candidate or Board member holds a position on a club’s Board of Directors or governing body.
  • The candidate or Board member is a coach of a club’s team.
  • The child or spouse of a candidate or Board member is a member of a club.
  • The candidate’s or Board member’s last affiliation or long-standing affiliation with a club.

The Nominating Committee has sole discretion in determining Board affiliations with clubs. Appeals of their decisions must be submitted to the Appeals Committee according to League policy and by laws.

If a club exceeds 25 percent representation on the Board, the Club will indicate to the League which Board member(s) is to be withdrawn from the Board to be in compliance with the 25 percent rule. The club must notify the League in writing within ten days of the election, or all Board members from the club will be temporarily suspended from the Board until the club complies. The club has sole discretion in determining which Board member will resign.

C. Removal and Resignation from Office

Any member of the Board of Directors absenting himself/herself from 3 successive meetings without adequate reason, who fails to discharge his/her duties or who resigns may have his/her office declared vacant by two-thirds vote of the Board. In the event of any vacancy, a majority of the remaining Directors may fill such vacancy until the next regular general meeting.

A. Standing Committees

The Rules Committee shall consider and propose amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws. It shall have all matters of rules referred to it and meet whenever necessary.

The Registration Committee shall have charge of all matters concerning club and player registration and be chaired by the Registrar. This committee is composed of the President, Registrar and Secretary.

The Publicity Committee shall handle all matters pertaining to League publicity and be chaired by the Second Vice-President.

The Arbitration Committee shall handle all matters pertaining to League arbitration and be chaired by the Arbitrator.

The Screening Committee shall review and make recommendations to the Board of Directors with respect to applications for Full, Travel Only, Guest, or Temporary club membership in the League. The application must be presented to the Delegates for a motion to accept. Notice of a membership application must be sent to all member clubs 14 days in advance of the Delegates' meeting at which the acceptance vote is to be held.

The Tournament Committee shall be in charge of running tournaments sponsored by the League.

The Coordinator Committee shall have charge of all matters concerning games sponsored by the League and of all championship tournaments and shall be chaired by the Games Chairman.

Additional standing committees may be created by the Board of Directors as necessary.

The Registrar’s Committee shall review and rule on all player transfer requests and shall consist of the Registrar ( as chair ) and at least two other members.

The Supervisory Committee shall review and rule on all non-game related issues of behavior detrimental to EHYSL and shall set penalties where appropriate. It shall consist of at least three appointees chosen by the President with the assistance and approval of the Board of Directors

The Programs Committee will oversee the supplemental training offered HVYSL, included but not limited to camps, T3, Hudson Valley Academy, and Hudson Valley Premier.

B. Special Committees

Special committees shall be appointed by the President with the assistance and approval of the Board of Directors.

The Auditing Committee shall be annually appointed by the Delegates of the League to inspect the books of the Treasurer and to certify his/her financial reports.

The Appeals Committee shall handle all appeals to the League.

The Nominating Committee will be announced at the March delegates meeting each year. Nominations will be accepted (in writing, or electronically) by any member of the Committee until 2:00 PM on the day one month prior to the Summer General Meeting in June. Within a week, the Chairman will advise the League office, for timely transmission to the Clubs, of names of the candidates nominated by position. All persons being nominated must be present at the June meeting or inform the Nominating Committee, in writing, of their intention to hold office.

A. Rules of Order

Robert's Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters of procedure not specifically covered by the Constitution and By-Laws of the League.

B. Order of Business

The order of business for all meetings shall be:

  • Roll Call of Officers
  • Submission of, and amendments to, minutes of previous meeting(s), including Club attendance.
  • Treasurer's Report
  • Correspondence
  • Reports of Officers
  • Reports of Standing Committees
  • Reports of Special Committees
  • Reports of Delegates (Delegate Meeting only)
  • Old Business
  • Amendments and Additions to the Constitution and By-Laws (Summer and Winter General Meetings only)
  • Election of Officers (Summer General Meeting only)
  • New Business
  • Installation of new Board by Past President (Summer General Meeting only)
  • New President calls for other business (Summer General Meeting only)
  • Adjournment

C. Notification of Meetings

Member clubs shall be given at least 14 days prior notice in writing, or electronically, of all general, Board of Directors and delegate meetings.

D. Penalty for Delegate Meeting Absence

Full Member clubs are to be fined $10 per meeting for failure to attend the delegate meeting and $50 per meeting for failure to attend either of the two general meetings. In addition full member clubs absenting themselves for 2 successive mandatory meetings shall forfeit their vote at the next Annual General Meeting. These sanctions will be imposed automatically by the evidence of the amended minutes submitted by the Secretary. The Board of Directors, by two-thirds vote can exempt clubs from fines if extenuating circumstances exist, in response to an appeal by the club, in writing, supplying any pertinent details.

E. Minutes

Minutes of general, Board of Directors and delegates meetings shall be provided to each member club president within fourteen (14) days of said meeting. The only information which may be redacted from the minutes distributed would be any discussion/vote of a personnel issue pertaining to an employee who receives a W-2 form for tax purposes and for matters discussed in executive session provided that a majority of board members present agree to go into executive session.

A. Admission Procedures

Any organization wishing to become a member of the League for the purpose of entering a team, must petition the Board of Directors through its Screening Committee. This request for membership must be received by the committee on or before June 1 for the Fall season, and November 1 for the Spring season. The Board of Directors, after reviewing the findings of the Screening Committee, will decide whether to recommend admission of the petitioning organization to the Clubs' Delegates.

A club may petition for temporary membership. Approval by both the Games Chairman and the League President is required for admission under this status. This membership will terminate at the end of the soccer season but may be renewed annually through reapplication. While a temporary member, a club may follow the procedures to gain membership with “Full”, “Travel Only” or “Guest” status.

Each club, upon being accepted as a member of the HVYSL shall receive a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws.

B. Club Obligations

Each new club shall pay an initiation fee of $100.

Member clubs must be registered and known by the name of the town or community they represent, and players be residentially representative of these subdivisions.

Each club shall be responsible for ensuring the proper registration of its players and teams, proper accounting of fiscal transactions and accurate reporting of all information required by the League.

C. Registration Payment and Late Penalty

A team or club renewing membership shall submit to the League office all club registration forms, electronic submissions or written of teams and players, and full payment of all dues and fees as set by the Board of Directors. If a club cannot meet the deadline for registration, a late fee of $50.00 per team will be charged, however the fee could be waived by the registration committee depending on the circumstances. Consideration of how late teams and players were submitted should be taken into account. Travel deadline is the last Friday in June. Invoices will be issued to the clubs 3 times annually: July/August, November/December, and February/March time frame, with payment due within 21 days of receipt.

D. Seasonal Year

Clubs must renew membership each seasonal year, which shall extend from September 1 to August 31 of the following year.

A. Procedures

The League office will prepare and publish annually to member clubs a written set of procedures pertaining to team and player registration. Specific methodology will be included relating to team formation and dissolution, player registration by club registrars, and other pertinent information which the clubs should know in order to process new applicants and transfer existing players. A MINIMUM OF 11 PLAYERS IS REQUIRED TO REGISTER A TEAM, and outstanding balances must be paid no less than seven days prior to the seeding meeting.

Each team must submit to the League Registrar the appropriate club registration forms, submit electronically players and teams thru the registration system to the league office, or written, and comply with BY Law IV: Club Registration. The procedures for such registration shall (with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors) be issued by the League Registrar.

Team names and shirt colors shall be included in the standard information submitted by the clubs prior to the season.

B. Team Name

All clubs' teams must be identified by a separate "team" or "mascot" name.

C. Withdrawal

A team may withdraw without penalty or forfeiture of fees prior to player registration date.
A team may withdraw prior to the seeding meeting, however all fees paid will be forfeited.
A team withdrawing after the start of the respective season Fall or Spring will forfeit all fees paid.
A team may withdraw from participation by requesting permission to do so from the League Office and approved by the Games Chairman. The request must be in writing.

A. Player Residence

Players should reside in the club's community to the maximum extent possible and within the flexibility provided by the By-Law for Player Transfer and Release. This is intended to prevent the formation of select teams and vying for players.

B. Registration Procedures

For the USSF annual registration period, players will be registered with their own member clubs using the team registration process approved and issued by the League office prior to the publicized registration deadline. Movement of players from that moment until the end of the playing season will be governed by all applicable rules and procedures stated elsewhere in the Constitution and By-Laws.

C. Restriction on Participation Outside League

Players must be registered at least 14 days or have participated in at least 2 League games prior to taking part in any competition outside the League sponsored by the U.S.Y.S.A.

D. Restrictions on Participation on Hudson Valley Academy Teams

Before participating in a Hudson Valley Academy team game, a player must be registered at least 14 days or have participated in a minimum of 2 scheduled League games.

A player must be registered on an HVYSL club team before being eligible to try-out for an academy team. Exceptions may be made by the Academy Director for other USSF affiliated clubs or teams, and players returning from college to play U19 Hudson Valley Academy Program.

All Hudson Valley Hudson Academy team players must try out for their own age group first and if recommended by the Coach within that age group, may, with the approval of the Academy Director of the League, try out for the next age group.

A. Player Registration and Binding to Team

A travel players registration binds him/her to their travel team for the soccer playing year from League’s Registration date until the end of the playing year (the following August 31st) and any releases to transfer to another travel team will be allowed in limited circumstances.

B. Transfers

A written request for a release for the purpose of being allowed to transfer to another travel team and the Player Transfer Form must be filed with the HVYSL office to be decided upon by the Registrar’s Committee.

The player/parent making the request is required to attend the committee hearing. Any appeal of the decision must be made within the guidelines of By Law XIX, Appeals.

A player may leave a travel team to go into his/her home clubs recreational player pool at any time during the soccer year. Any recreational player who has not been previously registered to a travel team in the current season and is currently rostered to a recreational team and wishing to be released to join a travel team may do so at any time during the season, with the written approval of his/her current club. A travel registration form must be completed prior to the player’s transfer to that travel team.

C. Player Transfer Fee

The club is required to pay a fee as established annually by the League when a player is transferred from one team to another, even within the same club. The player will have to be re-registered and issued a new pass.

Travel team player transfer requests between clubs must be accompanied by a $50.00 fee which may be refundable at the discretion of the committee.

D. Restrictions on Transfers Between Clubs

A Club shall be limited to a total of three players per age group from all other clubs per seasonal year unless otherwise permitted by the Board of Directors.

E. Poaching

Any coach, who by his/her actions, or any club which, through its responsible officers or representatives, attempts to recruit or induce a registered player of any team of this League to leave his/her team, without prior consent of the players present club, shall be deemed to have committed an offense of poaching and shall be dealt with by the Board of Directors of the League. This shall also apply to the borrowing of players for tournament play without the appropriate permission of the present club.

F. Guest Players

Coaches using guest players must secure the written approval of the coach of the team with whom that player is registered prior to that player’s participation. This written approval must be attached to any Permission to Travel request for out of state play prior to submission for approval. It must also be presented at all sanctioned events within the state association.

G. Solicitation of Players

Players are free to move to any organization at the start of the year, however, no club may solicit a player registered to another team/club or induce them to participate in a tryout either directly or indirectly through intermediaries. This includes invitations to “camps”, “tournament teams”, “training programs”, etc. Such conduct will be considered “poaching” and may be punishable by the action of the Board of Directors or appropriate disciplinary committee.

A. Primary Objective

An important purpose of the League is to encourage and achieve clean competition and good sportsmanship with gentlemanly behavior. Conduct which is consistent with the Constitution and By-Laws of this League is required by all who are involved in League competition. This includes club officials, coaches, players and spectators. The following will not be tolerated:

  • Foul language
  • Interference with play
  • Unsportsmanlike conduct
  • Encouraging unsportsmanlike conduct
  • Causing a disturbance during or after a game
  • Entering the field without the direction of the referee

B. Coaching Conduct

A coach is also responsible for the behavior of spectators supporting his/her team. Moreover, a coach may receive a caution (yellow card) or ejection (red card) from the grounds by the referee based on his/her inability to control these spectators.

C. Player Conduct

Player conduct is subject to the F.I.F.A. Laws of the Game.

A. Arbitrator Responsibility for Game Misconduct

Based on the submitted referee report the League Arbitrator shall take the following actions against a player or coach:

  • If a player or coach is carded (red or yellow) in three games in one playing year it will result in suspension of one game plus any other suspensions incurred. Every carded game thereafter will result in a suspension of one game plus any other suspensions incurred.
  • Ejection (red card) from a game will result in a minimum of a one game suspension. If the misconduct is fighting, the minimum suspension is two games.
  • A player ejected (red carded) twice within one playing year will receive a minimum of a two-game suspension.
  • Ejection (red card) of a coach once within the playing year will result in a minimum of a two-game suspension. In addition, the club will be notified of such action in writing.

B. Procedures for Misconduct Against Referees

Any player, spectator or coach who was found to have attacked or threatened to attack a referee at any HVYSL match will be dealt with according to the State-designated procedure.

C. Board of Directors Authority

The Board of Directors has the right and authority to suspend, or otherwise discipline any member club, team, its representatives or players if their actions have been contrary to the Constitution and By-Laws of the League.

The League may ban a person from attending all League games. If a person disregards the League decision, the child or children may be suspended from participation in the League.

The Board of Directors may, at its discretion, suspend from membership, or expel
any individual, team or club that:

  1. Willfully refuses or violates any of the provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws of the League
  2. Commits any act which is inconsistent with the principles and standards of good sportsmanship and fair play.

Such action shall require a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors. A member shall have an opportunity to show cause why such action shall not be taken.

D. Reinstatement After League Suspension

The Board of Directors may, by a two-thirds vote, reinstate a member, team or club that has been suspended from the League.

E. Termination of Game

If the referee terminates a game prematurely for reasons other than weather or field conditions, the arbitrator may declare a forfeit with a score of 3-0, based upon his analysis and the referee's report.

Upon a coach removing his/her team from the field of play during or prior to the conclusion of a match, the referee will hold the coach’s pass and forward it to the HVYSL Office, whereupon the Arbitrator may impose a suspension.

A. Primary Responsibility

The referee shall at all times put great emphasis on the welfare of players and officiate the game in a manner inducing clean competition and good sportsmanship.

B. Line-up Cards

The referee shall require that both teams enter all of the appropriate information on the HVYSL line-up card prior to the game.

C. Player Passes

Player passes must be presented to the referee prior to each league game, either physically or on the printed, photo match card.  Any player not on the printed photo match card shall not be allowed to play in the game.

D. Referee Report

The referee shall complete his report digitally on the league's platform.  Any misconduct should be entered by the referee only, and suspensions for send-offs will auto generate in the system.

E. Linesmen

The referee must offer both teams the opportunity to provide a linesman unless the League arranges to have neutral linesmen assigned.

F. Adverse Game Conditions

The decision whether to postpone all games at a given field due to weather conditions, or poor field condition rests solely with the president of the club providing the field. However, each referee still has the responsibility to terminate or temporarily suspend play if weather or field conditions change before or during play. UNDER NO CONDITIONS IS A GAME TO BE PLAYED IN A THUNDERSTORM, LIGHTNING STORM, OR THREAT THEREOF.

G. Referee Assignment

Referees for games not assigned by the designated League Referee Assignor(s) will be assigned by the Head Referee of the club supplying the field or by the appropriate referee organization when directed by the League.

A coach may not referee a game in his own division.

The assigned referee in any division may not be a relative of a player or coach on either team. If any coach knowingly allows such a referee to officiate a League game (excepting circumstances detailed in Section X – H), that team and coach are subject to penalties including fines, suspensions, and game forfeiture, in any combination. Additionally, the referee will be reported to the State for their action.

All travel referees, regardless of division, are required to be USSF certified, and currently registered, Grade 8 or better. Clubs will be responsible for assigning such referees to League travel games, in club-assigned divisions (excepting circumstances detailed in Section X – H), with penalties for failure to comply including fines, forfeiture, and bad standing, in any combination.

H. Referee No-show

If an assigned referee fails to show, the two teams may agree on a substitute who must officiate the complete game (no splitting the job). If the agreed upon substitute is a relative of a player or coach of either team, both coaches must agree in writing to waive the prohibition of a relative refereeing the game. Neither coach has the right to protest the arrangement.

Once the substitute referee starts the game, he/she cannot be replaced, even if the assigned referee shows up late.

I. Extremely High Temperature

The referee has the discretion to allow breaks as appropriate during extreme weather conditions to ensure player safety.

A. Adult Supervisor ID Card

A coach must be in possession of an adult supervisor card. This card will be kept by the referee with the players’ passes until the match is concluded. As with a player’s pass, the coach’s adult supervision card must be sent by the referee to the League Arbitrator in care of the League Office in instances where a coach has been ejected from a game.

If there is no registered coach with his card, the game will not be played. If due to a Coach’s sendoff there is no remaining viable carded coach, the game will be terminated at that point.

A fine of $5 will be imposed for a lost card.

B. Player Passes

Player passes must be presented to the referee prior to each League game. Any player missing a pass shall not be allowed to play in the game.

C. Line-up Cards

Line-up cards must be submitted to the referee 5 minutes before game time.

Each coach is responsible for accurate entry of all requested information on the line-up card for both played and forfeited games. The coach's name should be that of the person who performed that function at that game. Only players who participate in the game should be listed. In the case of a forfeit, it is not necessary to list player information. If the game was a make-up, the original schedule date should be entered at the top of the card.

Each line-up card for a played game should have the printed name of both the coach and referee and be initialed by same at end of the game. Follow the instructions on the back of the line-up card regarding exchange of copies.

In the case of a forfeit, each coach completes the line- up card (except for player and referee information), enters the 3-0 score, denotes that it was a forfeiture and submits the white original to League office.

In the case of a team "no show" where one or both coaches are present, the line-up cards must be completed by those present and submitted to the League office as usual.

Line-up cards must reach the League office within 7 days of the game. Only the white originals of the official HVYSL line-up cards should be submitted. Copies are unacceptable.

A $5 fine is assessable for either a card with incomplete information or late delivery of a card.

D. Score Reporting

Coaches are responsible for ensuring that scores are reported on the league platform within seventy-two hours of the completion of the match.

A $5 fine is assessable for failure to call in score promptly.

E. Injury and Damage Reports

Any injury to, or damages caused by an HVYSL participant shall be reported to the appropriate club official, who in turn shall report the incident to the League President or assigned League official.

A. F.I.F.A. Laws of the Game

The Rules of Play, for all contests sanctioned by this League, shall be the Laws of the Game as published by the F.I.F.A. with those modifications published in these By- Laws and/or special rules and regulations for Cup or Championship Competition.

B. Duration of Game and Ball Size


Under 19, 18 & 17’s play 2 x 45-minute halves with a size #5 ball
Under 16 & 15’s play 2 x 40-minute halves with a size #5 ball
Under 14 & 13’s play 2 x 35-minute halves with a size #5 ball
Under 12 & 11’s play 2 x 30-minute halves with a size #4 ball
Under 10, 9 & 8’s play 2 x 25-minute halves with a size #4 ball

There shall be no overtime periods in regular League competitions.

C. Half-time Periods

Half-time periods shall be a minimum of 5 minutes and a maximum of 10 minutes as designated by the referee.

D. Orthopedic Cast

A player wearing an orthopedic cast shall not be eligible to participate in any League sponsored game.

E. Charging the Goalkeeper

Charging the goalkeeper shall not be permitted in the penalty area. However, no attempt shall be made by the opposing team to gain control of the ball once a goalkeeper has possession of the ball. (Possession is a finger, arm or leg on a stationary ball brought under control by the goalkeeper.) No attempt to harass or interfere with the kick shall be permitted when the goalkeeper is attempting to put the ball in play.

These rules are designed to protect the goalkeeper without giving the goalkeeper any advantage. However, in the judgment of the referee, any question as to the safety of the goalkeeper shall favor the goalkeeper. Any goalkeeper, who in the opinion of the referee, is abusing these rules to move the ball down field shall be warned and an indirect kick awarded to the opposing team if the warning is not complied with.

F. Goal Kicks

Goal kicks for all age groups will be conducted consistent with the USYSA guidance for that age group.

G. Corner Kicks

Corner kicks for all age groups will be conducted consistent with the USYSA guidance for that age group.

H. Drop Ball in the Penalty Area

Drop ball situations for all age groups will be conducted consistent with the USYSA guidance for that age group.

I. Playing Time

All registered players in attendance at non-Division 1 League games must participate and play at least one-half game. No period of play time is required for Division 1 players.

J. Substitution

Substitution shall be as per E.N.Y.Y.S.A. Rules, to wit:

Substitutes may be made at any stoppage of play, by either team, with the notification to, and permission of, the referee.

K. Excessive Goal Differential – 7 Goals

Within a season, if any Developmental Team (U9-U12) exceeds a seven (7) goal differential the following will occur:

  • 1st Offense – warning to coach and club.
  • 2nd Offense – one game suspension to the coach and $100 fine to the club
  • 3rd Offense – three game suspension to the coach and $200 fine to the club
  • 4th Offense – six months suspension to the coach and $500 fine to the club.

A. Communication of Shirt Color Information

Each club is responsible for accurately reporting to the League office the predominant shirt color each of its teams will wear when they play as a visitor. This will be done at the time of team registration each season.

The League office shall inform the clubs in writing of the predominant shirt color of visiting teams. This information will be distributed with the schedules and updated as needed. The clubs are responsible for promptly communicating this information to the appropriate coaches within their clubs.

B. Shirt Color and Number Requirements

Except where dictated by “C” (below) all players on a team are required to wear shirts of the same color except the goalkeeper. Goalkeepers must wear a shirt color which is distinct from the shirt colors of both teams. The shirts of each team must be the predominant color listed by the club; must contain the official club logo; and must be numbered on the back with unique numbers which are a minimum of 6 inches in height. Alternate colored shirts, when used must also contain the official club logo and must be numbered on the backs as noted above.

Failure to comply by any team in League games, or games entered as a duly registered HVYSL team (State Cup, Premier, etc.) may result in disciplinary action including fines, suspensions of the responsible coaching personnel, and forfeiture of the game(s) involved, in combination decided upon by the disciplinary committee.

C. Conflict of Shirt Colors

Where the predominant shirt colors of the teams are similar, the home team must affect a shirt change. The alternate color must be the same for all players on the team yet distinct from the opposing team. This may be accomplished by T-shirts, bibs or "pinnies" which effectively cover both the front and back of the original shirt. Moreover, the team making this change is not subject to the above-mentioned penalty if numbers are not present on the alternate shirts.

The time taken to affect the shirt color change will count toward delay of game start and, therefore, possible forfeiture.

D. Clothing Under Uniforms

Visible undergarments such as cycling shorts are allowed, if they are the same color as the player’s soccer shorts and do not extend further than the top of the knee. The wearing of track suits or similar trousers, also long-sleeved shirts, is permitted only when adverse weather or playing conditions exist (Below 40° F). The final decision as to weather conditions rest solely with the referee.

A. Obligation to Provide Field

Each team must have a home field. If, for any reason, a team temporarily finds its field unavailable for a scheduled game, it may attempt to arrange to use the visiting team field for the game. The visiting team is under no obligation to make its field available in such a situation. See the By-Law for Schedule and Schedule changes for the game change procedure.

B. Field Condition Responsibility

The home team will be responsible for the condition of the grounds, the proper field markings and proper equipment. Nets and 5-foot corner flags are required.

All fields should be properly marked as dictated by FIFA rules. Failure to comply with these rules could result in a forfeiture by the home team. The referee reports the field conditions in his report, which is sent to the League. The League arbitrator will then decide the action to be taken.

In addition to the regulation sidelines all fields shall have another line drawn outside the playing area at a distance sufficient to allow enough space for the coach, linesmen and substitutes to stand. All spectators shall stand behind this line. Failure to comply with these rules could result in a forfeit and/or fine by the home team.

C. Fields for Non-Division 1 Younger Players

Field sizes for all age groups will be consistent with the USYSA guidance for that age group.

A. Delay in Start of Game

If one or both teams delay the start of a scheduled game by more than 15 minutes without approval of the Age Group Coordinator, the offending team or teams shall forfeit the game, 3-0.

This rule is waived if the game is delayed by a preceding game on the same field, that is an E.H.Y.S.L. traveling team League game.

B. Team No Show

Any team which fails to dress at least 7 players for a regularly scheduled match shall, unless excused by the age group coordinator, be charged with a 3 - 0 forfeit once a 15-minute waiting period has elapsed.

The penalty for a no-show is the referee’s normal fee for that age group.

C. False Registration

Every game that a falsely registered player participates in will result in an automatic loss, with the score being 3-0.

D. Notification of Forfeiture

It is imperative that the forfeiting team notify the opposing team as early as possible. The forfeiting team must immediately notify the appropriate referee assignor.

In those cases where the assigned referee must be reimbursed because of late notification, the forfeiting team will pay the referee fee.

The reporting of results for forfeitures is covered under the By-Law for Identification and Game Reports.

E. Forfeit Withdrawal

If, after a team forfeits a game (with sufficient advanced warning), the weather forces the home team club to postpone all games for the field involved, the forfeiting team can withdraw its forfeit by notifying the opposing coach and the Age Group Coordinator within 48 hours following the scheduled game. Sufficient advanced warning will consist of notifying the opposing coach, the referee assignor and the Age Group Coordinator at least 24 hours before the scheduled game.

F. Involuntary Forfeit Notification and Appeal

In the case of an involuntary forfeit, the coach of the team requesting the forfeit must notify the appropriate AGC electronically within 24 hours. The AGC will investigate and submit their findings and recommendations to the Games Chairman within one week of that first request. The Games Chairman may convene a hearing if he chooses, but in any event must issue his decision electronically to the coaches and club Presidents involved, within one week. If the forfeiting team feels that extenuating circumstances existed and were not properly weighed, it may appeal the decision by submitting a written or electronic appeal to the Appeals Committee within 48 hours after receiving notification from the Games Chairman.

G. Multiple Forfeitures

Any team that forfeits more than one game in each season may be subject to disciplinary action and or a fine

A. Minimum Number of Games

All teams which compete in both the Fall and Spring season and whose season is scheduled to start before the third weekend in September will be scheduled for no less than 8 games. If the schedule will not be balanced, the imbalance will be accomplished by a random draw of the teams involved.

B. Individual Game Change

No scheduled game may be postponed or changes made to date, time or field without the approval of the Age Group Coordinator (AGC). The Referee Assignor will accept changes only from the AGC or in their absence, the League Games Chairman. All changes must be communicated to the Referee Assignor by the AGC, or LGC, electronically, no later than 6 PM on the Wednesday before the game is to be played.

In the event of a last minute, emergency change of field, the home team must provide a person at the original site to escort the referee to the new location.

C. Club Wide Postponement

In the event of extremely bad weather or field conditions, a club may decide to postpone all scheduled home games on one or more fields for a particular day.

In this case, the club president (or their designee) must notify the appropriate referee assignor, Age Group Coordinators and all visiting team club presidents (or their designee). This must all be done before 8:00 AM, the day of the game.

The club presidents (or their designee) are responsible for notifying the individual coaches and club-assigned referees within their own club.


All make-up games must be scheduled so that they are played within two weeks of the original date. It is the home team's responsibility to arrange the make-up. Failure to do so within the required time period, without the Age Group Coordinator's approval, will result in a forfeit by the home team.

Both coaches must notify their Age Group Coordinator of the agreed upon date and time within 8 days of the originally scheduled game.

If the two teams fail to agree on the make-up date and time, the Age Group Coordinator will choose the date and time. The home team must notify the Age Group Coordinator of this need within 3 days of the original date.

A. Field Condition Protests

Field protests must be made verbally to the referee before the start of game and in writing, signed by the protesting coach before the second half begins with a copy going to the opposing coach and referee. A formal protest of said conditions must be mailed to the League Arbitrator with a check for $15 postmarked within 48 hours of the game with copies to the opposing coach and officiating referee. If the protest is upheld, the $15 will be returned. If the protest is denied, the League will keep the fee. The League Arbitrator shall judge the merits of the petition and notify the appropriate parties of the decision. Failure to follow the above procedures voids the protest.

B. All Other Protests

A written notice must be handed to the referee and opposing coach on the field and signed by the protesting coach at the completion of the game or at half-time. A formal protest must be mailed to the League Arbitrator, postmarked within 48 hours after the game with copies to the opposing coach and referee and signed by the protesting coach. All protests to the League must be accompanied by a check for $15.

A. Line of Authority for Appeals

The line of authority, should any person, team or club wish to appeal any decision, shall be:

  1. From Arbitrator or Supervisory Committee to Appeals Committee of the League.
  2. From the HVYSL Appeals Committee to the Appeals Committee of the Eastern New York Youth Soccer Association.

B. Appeals Procedures

Appeals may be made on decision of the Arbitrator, Supervisory Committee or Board of Directors, following the line of authority as listed above.

Appeals are to be written in triplicate and signed by the coach and sent to the Chairman of the Appeals Board by registered mail within three days of the postmarked date on the previous protest or appeal decision.

Appeals to the Board of Directors are to be written in triplicate and signed by coach and sent to the Secretary of the League, by registered mail, within three days of the postmark of the date of the previous protest or appeal.

A fee of $75 must accompany all appeals to the Appeals Board or Board of Directors. All fees will be returned if the appeal is successful in total.

Upon receipt of a properly filed appeal and the fee, the Chairman of the Appeals Board will convene the appropriate body and invite, not later than 5 days before the meeting, the involved clubs and individuals to a hearing of the case. An individual or club, having been invited to a meeting and failing to appear, shall forfeit any right of further appeal. The available evidence shall be reviewed and a verdict, based upon such evidence, shall be rendered. A detailed report will be sent to both coaches and the club on the verdict of the Board.

Referees who disregard the invitation shall be reported to the New York State Soccer Referee Association and the Hudson Valley Soccer Referee Association.

All parties to a case shall be notified in writing within 5 days of an appeals hearing of the decision made by the convening body. Appeals to the E.N.Y.Y.S.A. are made directly to them, with the appropriate fee within three days. The appeal must include all details and charges. An additional copy must be sent to the opposing club. Check must accompany the protest. Failure to follow the above procedure voids an appeal.

A. Types of Divisions

There will be divisions 1, 2, 3 and so on for both boys and girls from Under 12 through Under 19. Under 11 boys and girls and younger age groups will be regional divisions, to keep travel time to a minimum.  There may be a top division, based on coaches' requests.

B. Divisional Shifts

At the end of each season, the Games Chairman, with the help of the respective AGC’s will review the relative competitiveness of each team and sort the teams into tentative age-division groups for the following season. Final determination of seeding will be made at the Fall seeding meeting.

Interim changes will be possible for developmental teams, at the specific request of clubs, at the Spring seeding meeting.

A. Primary Means of Ranking

Three points are awarded for a win, one point for a tie and no points for a loss. The total points accumulated through scheduled games during the regular season of the League will be the primary means of ranking within a division.

B. Tie Breaking Procedures

If, at the end of the regularly scheduled playing season, 2 or more teams are tied in points, the following tie-breaking procedure will apply.

The first means of tie-breaking will be the accumulated points resulting from head-to-head competition between the tied teams, including forfeits.

If more than two teams are tied in points or if there are tied teams from the above step, then:

  1. If the tie position involves a League trophy award or a possible League imposed team shift between divisions, the following criteria will be issued:
    • Average goal difference - a maximum of three goals difference per game played will be used to compute the average. If a tie still exists, then
    • Lowest average of goals allowed in games played.
  2. If the tie position does not involve a League trophy award or a possible League imposed team shift between divisions, the teams involved will be considered tied in the final standings.

C. League Awards

Awards will be given at the conclusion of the Spring season only, to teams that finish in the top of their bracket for U13 and above.  No awards will be given for the developmental age groups.

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